Carrot poems

Moroten är frihet – Tuva Letler-Bayan

The carrot is freedom!

O, Inner Carrot!

May all the sisters and brothers of humanity
find peace in your shining bark,
in your giving of life,
and in your almighty generosity!

May your inner light
give well-being and strength
to a soul in need!

In the name of The Inner Carrot!

I want you!
I need you!
I love you!

Eating you is crunchy

Eating you is crunchy. My love for you is soft.

The ringing in my ears is loud. You are my best

ambrosia and my best vice, sometimes I wish I

could snack on you, twice. But the main bunny in

charge at the carrot factory says “There just simply

 isn’t enough mass market appeal to keep

production up to justify the costs, so we need you to

 kill all the carrots.” Immediately, I wept. Then we

made our escape! -Everything I desired

and feared, you, sweet carrot, are it.

You are everything.

/ Robert Kohn 2019