“Hands of the apes”..the new movie perhaps

Finally more chaos! Covid only a few years ago, which meant that we people with mental illness suddenly, like everyone else, were affected by what is everyday, precisely because of the norm in society. It made us Elite Soldiers in the mental army because we have the habit of fighting against our brains. Pretty cool. Believes that Covid increased the understanding of the exclusion of people with mental disabilities. Then Putin came and put the focus on himself and no one talked about Covid anymore. Now we have just received the first monkey cups in Sweden. This may provide another dimension of new insights if there is a similar epidemic. So maybe we should not judge the monkeys with smallpox too harshly but see it as a clever trial 🙂

Otherwise, I hope that there will be a film called "Hand of the apes" which will be a horror film instead of another new "Planet of the apes"
Äntligen mer kaos! Covid först sen i nĂ„gra Ă„r som gjorde att vi folk med psykisk ohĂ€lsa helt plötsligt var som alla andra just pga av normen i samhĂ€llet med drabbades av det som Ă€r vardag. Det gjorde oss till Elitsoldater i den mentala armĂ©n för vi har vanan att kĂ€mpa mot vĂ„ra hjĂ€rnor. RĂ€tt sĂ„ ball. Tror att Covid ökade förstĂ„elsen för personer med mental begrĂ€nsad hĂ€lsas utanförskap. Sen kom Putin Ă„ satte fokuset pĂ„ sig och ingen pratade om Covid mer. Nu har vi precis fĂ„tt de första apkopporna i Sverige. Detta kanske ger ytterligare en dimension av nya insikter om det blir en liknande epidemi. SĂ„ kanske vi inte ska döma aporna med koppor för hĂ„rt utan se det som en fiffig prövning 🙂

I övrigt sĂ„ hoppas jag att det kommer en film som heter ”Hand of the apes” som ska vara en skrĂ€ckfilm istĂ€llet för ytterligare en ny ”Planet of the apes”