Ushiri intervju av Ivar Halling, Presentation/tal HU23 SPYKEN.

En nyfrälst morotsfaen och Carrottriber som heter Ivar som är en fett chill kille frågade om han fick intervjua mig som konstnär. Sa självklart ja och fick tillåtelse att publicera det här på min sida eftersom jag tyckte själv det var så välskrivet 🙂 / Ushiri

The autonomous Rooster – Grafitti at Matverkstaden Malmö

Grafitti artwork created for Matverkstaden Malmö. It so happen to be that the owner of Matverkstaden also has a logo with a carrot, I mean what´s the chance for that?

He asked me if I wanted to make my psychedelic “The autonomous Rooster” which I created with the basic Idea that a rooster should not need to have a hen at his side and should be able to lay his own eggs. I said yes to the project and my good friend Kornelia Nagy and I started to work on it together.

It was kind of a pain in the ass to learn and understand the basis of grafitti the first time I hold a spraycan but my good bro Kornelia was boosting me mentally and also was supreme with teaching me to be patient when I feelt all failed 🙂

Of course my idea was to make a perfect version of the rooster but since I never created anything in this size it all become messy quite quickly since I didnt see what I was drawing. so the big proud rooster turned out to look more like a chicken that got a hammer in its head, I mean perhaps not really but its just that it misses half of its awesome neck due to that the bus is not one of those British doubledeckers 😀

My friend Kornelia making an epic posé

Dorateatern – (Swedish only)

Klicka texten här eller bilden för att lyssna på intervjuen

(Vid tiden för intervjuen hade jag fortfarande inte bytt till Ushiri)

Min första intervju jag gjort var med Dorateatern. När jag gick till MAF så såg jag att de skulle köra en kort bit ur deras kommande föreställning som var en musikaltolkning av det feministiska proggbandet Röda bönor som jag i flera år tyckt var fantastiska med sin sånger och texter. .

Dessvärre är det lika aktuellt nu som då. Jag såg det och häpnade och kände mig tvungen att göra en intervju med dem via Fontänhuset på 89,2 mhz Malmökanalen på grund av deras fantastiska humor och energi. Mitt livs första intervju och det till råka på med en grupp på 5 personer. Jag är konstnär och kreatör och min konst är bitvis inspirerad av feminism och jämställdhet eftersom det är oerhört viktigt i en tid när konservativa krafter vill dela upp oss igen så det var

Å när jag väl sett Dorateatern spela så frågade jag om jag fick intervjua dem för Malmö lokalradio och de tackade ja. Så då var det bara å sätta sig o skriva frågor å komma på hur man gör en intervju. Jag bara kände att faeen denna ascoola grupp måste fler höra talas om och deras budskap.

Dorateatern bestod/består av från vänster räknat: Frida Gällblad, Mikaela Eriksson,Johanna Sjölinm, Linn Mattsson Tillberg,Agnes Malteson

Först när jag mötte dem på Fontänhuset på väg till studion kändes det som en grupp med tre meter långa kvinnor och jag insåg att jag var starstruck å var så hypad kring intervjuen.

Sen var det en utmaning att inte prata själv för mycket eftersom jag är en babbelkvarn å hade jag råkat göra det så hade det ju underminerat hela poängen med intervjuen.

Alla frågar till intervjuen placerades i asken “Pan…Doras box”, en svenglishfiering av Pandoras box/Pandoras ask

Vår Studiokvinna Jenny här ovan

Baksidan på bokmärkena med deras sjukt coola logo

Bokmärken ovan som jag gjorde till intervjuen som det starstruck faen jag blev av deras oerhört starka humor som gjorde att jag ville göra en intervjuen i första hand med dem.

Röda Bönor var ett feministiskt proggband som bildades i Lund 1973. Länk till Röda bönors musik på Soundcloud

När pjäsen väl hade release på “Far i hatten” i folkets park Malmö blev jag glatt överraskad att en av originalmedlemmarna Kaya Ålander från Röda bönor kom. Fick hennes autograf 😀 och bad samtliga i Dorateatern signa en poster med.

Wolf Wolf Wolf

About an article that sheepowners are worried that a wolfcouple is their new neighbours and will kill the sheep they prefer to kill themselfs. It´s harsh world, kill or be killed. Speechbubble text ” The wolf kill our sheep, those are we supposed to kill, who should we kill now then?”. From an article in the newspaper Skånska dagbladet 13 juli (The daily Scanish if translated, The region is named Skåne and translated internationally to Scania and also a global Swedish sexy truck company).

Art & comments : USHiRi Photo: Skånska dagblödet

Carrotwear lowtech interview with NOS

Interview & photo by: Ushiri featuring technohead NOS

Also in this photo our new awesome editor/co-worker Anna Karlsson for “USHiRimagazine online” since our release at the 17th of June 2021, .

I´m happy to ask NOS about this very tough subject even if it was since March that the photo was taken when the release of USHiRimagazine #2 was released. He is also the creator of my Jingle for my radioprogram ” Udda musik med Ushiri “/ ” Odd music with Ushiri” / Ushiri

“Hands of the apes”..the new movie perhaps

Finally more chaos! Covid only a few years ago, which meant that we people with mental illness suddenly, like everyone else, were affected by what is everyday, precisely because of the norm in society. It made us Elite Soldiers in the mental army because we have the habit of fighting against our brains. Pretty cool. Believes that Covid increased the understanding of the exclusion of people with mental disabilities. Then Putin came and put the focus on himself and no one talked about Covid anymore. Now we have just received the first monkey cups in Sweden. This may provide another dimension of new insights if there is a similar epidemic. So maybe we should not judge the monkeys with smallpox too harshly but see it as a clever trial 🙂

Otherwise, I hope that there will be a film called "Hand of the apes" which will be a horror film instead of another new "Planet of the apes"
Äntligen mer kaos! Covid först sen i några år som gjorde att vi folk med psykisk ohälsa helt plötsligt var som alla andra just pga av normen i samhället med drabbades av det som är vardag. Det gjorde oss till Elitsoldater i den mentala armén för vi har vanan att kämpa mot våra hjärnor. Rätt så ball. Tror att Covid ökade förståelsen för personer med mental begränsad hälsas utanförskap. Sen kom Putin å satte fokuset på sig och ingen pratade om Covid mer. Nu har vi precis fått de första apkopporna i Sverige. Detta kanske ger ytterligare en dimension av nya insikter om det blir en liknande epidemi. Så kanske vi inte ska döma aporna med koppor för hårt utan se det som en fiffig prövning 🙂

I övrigt så hoppas jag att det kommer en film som heter ”Hand of the apes” som ska vara en skräckfilm istället för ytterligare en ny ”Planet of the apes”


“Man tricked by woman and forced to be a dad”

(None escapist article..sorry)

So we got this man that horribly has been forced to be a dad. If you put uré dick in someone that has a vagina u gotta take that risk aswell. I would also feelt it was fucked up shit to become a dad if I was´nt interested in it but it´s your own fault but it´s shit that can happen. (RED:Hmm…if u wanna have kids write me instead I would love to grow more artists with my genetics if possible…I can post them with express)

Inside of the magazine it´s written as a headline”Men are involuntarily tricked into fatherhood”

In the article he also explains that he wants to push forward a debate where the goal is to discuss “involuntary paternity” which could be an interesting case to follow. But the funny part is what it says in the end of the article at the red cube ” Fredriks name is in reality something completely different”. So if you want to take a stand for what you want, then put youré name to go with the article so it can be taken seriously.

If u got any comments on this please feel to write me and if u wanna do podprogram with this subject with people on both sides…it seems fun and odd.

Text & Art : Ushiri Photo: Skånska dagbladet

Garbage & music – Malmö Sweden

Photo is all copyright Kristin Warfvinge

I wanted to dwell deeper into the musicians that play music created with garbage and asked the project leader Kristin Warfvinge if she could further explain the idea behind it all

Kristin Warfvinge:

” So. Transformera, komponera musicera is a project lead by Kristin Warfvinge (composer), Josef Söreke (composer) and Viktor Auregård (musician). From the beginning it was a series of workshops with building, composing and playing but it has taken many forms. For example we’ve also had exhibitions at gallery molekyl and Malmöfestivalen. At Malmöfestivalen we had a 3 day workshop where we provided a pile of garbage for people passing by to build from. Both adults and children joined in and it all finished with a exhibition in a big glass container and a concert with invited musicians.

Some instruments.


This “cello” is made from a shoestand and a kitchen drawer. The stick functions as a lever. The harder you push the lever the tighter the string get and the higher the pitch. The best sound you get from playing with a bow..


This is a helium tank with tongues sawed out. The different tounges have different pitches.

And here we have a guitar of some sort. It has a. Very practical handle..

Does Transformera Musicera Komponera more concerts planned this year or any happenings ?

They will happen. But they are not yet planned 🙂 just like life it self. There will probably be a concert in collab with gallery molekyl soon.

Ushiri: Transformera Komponera Musicera performed at @molekylgallery in Malmö and I recorded a part of it and also made some lifedrawings when they performed.

USHiRimagazine was there and had the chance to speak with some of the performers namely Viktor Auregård and Kristin Warfvinge. I was told that there been a problem with one of the instruments leaking oil when they tried to rehearse with it so it couldnt be a part of the performance. I also got a special close look by one of the performers with a very cool improvised cello where you could adjust/tune the strings with your foot instead of the bow.

Doing life drawings of other people creating themselfs and also hear their creations is really something. To join them in the same sort of trance when the are on with doing what they love the most, that feeling is really what life is all about. Just existing here and now.

I wrongly wrote Galleri Kalkyl in the artwork, I blame beer for this 🙂

Text & art & video: Ushiri Photos: Kristin Warfvinge

VR 3D modeling the choice for artists

I strongly recommend the 3D modeling VR program Shapelab. It´s the most intuitive way to do sculpting digitally I have come across. It´s also not very demanding on your computer.

If you think Blender Zbrush and Maya ar shitboring programs and you have no interest in these softwares because of the tons of menues and stuff you need to be able to sculpt and you just want to start creatings like you use a pen on a paper and have a background as an artist then this is the ultimate program.

I didn´t write this because I got paid for it, I wrote this review just because I really want more true artists find out that you dont need to learn the stiff programs (That is actually more created for programmers than artists it feels like). So if you own one of the following headsets: Oculus Quest 2,Valve Index,,HTC Vive,Oculus Rift,Windows Mixed Reality there will be no end of how fun you can have with actually feel the true sense of enjoyment to just start sculpting your 3dmodels directly. It´s a must if you like trying new art materials from time to time. And if you hesitate, let me put it like this: What the fudge did your phone cost? some 100+ euro probably and if it did then you own it to your creative side to invest these 20euro for you feeling the raw sense of pure superfunfun 😀

Seen from an artists background like me it feels Blender and Zbrush and most softwares are not actually made for artists and is totally bogged down in the old fashioned tools named “mouse” and “keyboard” and we are stuck in the 1980 with these outdated items which does not belong in a new digital era. I often thought why you cant you be able to use two “mouses” at the same time when you want to make 3dmodels or when playing games or why not even a gamepad for sculpting which would have been more intuitive. Zbrush and Blender is proven to be very good programs as we all know but they are “programs” and feel programmed and not user friendly at all and you need to sit with assboring manuals and watch so many tutorial videos and even when you done that and learnt the basic it really has nothing to do with how you sculpt with a slab of clay in real life and have you can use two hands to cut off or add layers of clay to it. No more is this any true since now you have Shapelab on steam for 14 euro, on sale now or their regular price for 20euro which is the best invested money I ever done in any software ever (except publisher which I use for editing my magazine).

If you just do a search on Shapelab you can watch lots of videos of how it work and also checkout steam and read reviews by others and you understand that this is something you must try or just go own right now and die 😀

Background: I bought my Oculus Quest 2 solely for sculpting and 3Dmodelling but after a while the free program Adobe Medium which is similar to this suddenly changed their minimum requirements to use it and I was overnight without the possibility to do what I started to enjoy so much namely make my twisted creatures in 3D.

So my sort of review is more like a boost of how much I can recommend it and really not about the program in detail of how to use it because it´s that easy to learn so its not really much to tell more than you use your controllers much as you use your hands when sculpting in IRL. The manual is only 12 pages and not heavy on the text and very easy to get how it works. So I say BRING CREATIVITY INTO 3D MODELING!

I´m a huge nerd and game and have written 180+ review on steam so if uré interested in games that deals with: Rougelike,rts,milsims,bullethell,swordcombat,tnaks,strategy,minimalism,procedural generation,Local co-op. then check my steampage:
and add me there ifu wanna teamwork someday and also join CARROTTRiBE on discord.
Nerdfacts:I started playing digital games 1985 and been on steam for 18 years, own more than 100 D&D books,Have 500+ games on steam, Obsessed with carrots. Loves MLPFIM especially Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Love technoparties and inlines and try new stuff in life and love boardgaming. Carrotpalace is where I like to hang around in VRchat so if u come across a hedgehog,cat,carrot,succubus that dances with my name on top…then we have meet :DI send radio in Malmö 89,2mhz, editor of USHiRimagazine, have an artgallery named CARROTTRiBE, created a bunch of boardgames over the years and Asphyxia and think that it´s to little Pokemonporn on the internet.

Shapelabs steampage

Men without socks – Doka 2 – Gamereview

+ I dont remember what I paid for it.
– I paid for it

Maimenu is quite cute looking

It´s possible to switch language from russian but it does not matter so much since there is actually no options. Also you can play as a zombie but then you meet halfnaked guys instead with no socks.

Also all have shaved bodies and no hair what so ever, I guess that can be sexually arousing for somebody and mildly thrilling. The again its fitting with the Corona virus going around now that you actually have body contact with people you meet, even if the only reason is to smack their head of until it becomes a bloody mess.

You buy weapons from the wall, also some areas you have epic soviet propaganda posters
Fork is also a weapon…

If you for some reason would like to have more of this garbage game…YES there is hope in the dark!!! because the developers have released a DLC named “DOKA 2: Humans, Wizards and Elves DLC#1” which costs 0,79euro.

Do I think it was fun: No not at all. It´s so bad I actually regret spending time writing all of this.

Attack of the russian tomatoskinheads

So if you feel a the need for it and want to dwell deeper into Agafonoffs gaming studio please do buy it 😀

Get DOKA 2 KISHKI edition at steam for 0,8 euro

Text & screenshots USHiRi


Spökbjörn – Spiritbears – Dimensionsbjörn

Exists in the dimensions Ushiria & Nukeria and Depravia. Here you can see a spiritbear that is being lubricated with Gortmass ( More about Gortmass will be explained later on)

Mission: Spiritbears are dimensiontravellers and can help mortal beings trave between he worlds Ushiria & Nukeria & Depravia. Spiritbears are rather easily frightened and shy by nature. They can often be seen in homes in the shape of regular teddybears in homes where children lives. If you want to befriend a spiritbear you need to talk to it a lot and reveal your inner secrets and desires. Spiritbears have no moral or ethics that are defined by any standard, It will usually share it´s friends values over time.

Uppgift: Dimensions teleportörer, Kan hjälpa varelser mellan världar. Är ganska lättskrämda och blyga. Antar skepnader av vanliga teddybjörnar i barns hem.

Size: about 60cm, Storlek: Max 60cm

Technobears is genetically and technologically modified spiritbears engineered at Åskhem/Thunderhome

Fingered Stroller

Spiritbears are dimensional travellers between Ushiria and Nukeria. Visualized here is the perfect stroller that can drag itself forwards and at a slow calm pace so that the being inside of it can relax and enjoy the ride.  ( The dimensions Nukeria is a place where Göran Persson is the swedish dictator and have A-bombed Norway, read more about my boardgame Nuke Norway Now at BGG or at my boardgamepage)

USHiRiA RPG world index page