Memory games

Non of my games are available in stores and can be bought only through me.

Dictatory memory ” First edition ” Nonlaminated ( 210 kr med frakt inom Sverige )

48 cards with your most famous favorite dictators. Finally grandma and granddaughter can play games on equal terms of fun!!

Also information about every one of them on a seperate piece of paper.
Dictatory memory ” First edition” LAMINATED (230 kr med frakt inom Sverige) Same as above but now laminated droolfriendly and lickable!
Third reich Part 1 Infantry weapons of world war II (230 kr med frakt inom Sverige) So why did I create this memory? Because I´m  a nazi or because I´m  a history
nerd and really love to dwell deeper into parts of this regimes military look?

This is the first of my historical memory games based on weapons. I will create one with German Tank destroyers later on since I got a weak spot for them. I just really love to do pedagocical memory games where you can have fun playing and discussing the topic at hand and at the same time learn something new.

So I really hope you have fun playing it and one day we meet each other on the virtual battlefield during ww2 🙂
/ Ushiri -2012
Möllevångsmemory (240 kr med frakt inom Sverige)
( A memory about my neighbourhood in Malmö)
Ett memoryspel med 48 bilder påtypisk Möllevångsmiljö såsom socialkontoret, sönderslagna rutor, ” Kuken” ( Bor du på Möllan så vet du vad som menas) m.m

Vapenskölden för Möllevången som jag ser det. Det röda symboliserar vänstern och marijuanan det det luktar lika mycket av som hundbajs emellanåt.

Information om Möllevången finns med självfallet. Perfekt som present till någon som bott här.
Boardgaming cats memory (210 kr med frakt inom Sverige)
A memory game with cats in boxes that have attack and defence values + iniative depending on how the sit and lay on the boardgamebox.
Also included is a sad story about a cat from a boardgamer on boardgamegeek. This game are with boardgamers from boardgamegeek, all cats owners could buy the game with their cat for 30% discount since it was so swell that they let me use their photos. Here on the cover is Louis and his dear cat.

Katter i brädspels kartonger med strid och försvars värde baserat på hur de ligger i eller på kartongen, går även att spela som ett lättsamt krigsspel. Alla katter är från brädspelare på boardgamegeek. Det ingår även en snyfthistoria om en brädspelares kärlek till sin sjuka katt.
P.Stenberg ( Now Ushiri) Narcisist memory. (210 kr med frakt inom Sverige)
Allways wanted to have a memory game with 48 pictures of ME MEM EMMEMEMEMEMEMEMeeeeJAAAGG…

Then here is your chance to get one in a handmade box from ” Arbetsrehab Borrgatan” made my people with mental problems like myself. Only 1 copy available!!! ( due to low demand )
Puke memory (210 kr med frakt inom Sverige)
with 48 pohotos with people/animals puking all over the place and information how it all works with inside the body.

( Write if you want the English info paper)
( If you want to be a part of ” Puke memory second edition “, please do send me your best puke pictures and you will become a part this game FOREVER!!! )
Joystick memory 150kr / 15euro
48 memory cards with joysticks when there was glory to have several buttons that did the exact same thing. And of course info about all those epic classics like Tact-2, Slikstik and Wico redball and so many more.
Opedagogiskt barnmemory (210 kr med frakt inom Sverige)
Pedagogiskt barnmemory (220 kr med frakt inom Sverige)
48 laminerade memorybrickor
med tydliga bilder och enkla ord, Boxen som spelet i varieraer.
Dictatory memory “Second edition (210 kr med frakt inom Sverige)

48 cards with your most famous favorite dictators. Finally grandpa and granddaughter can play games on equal terms of fun!! Some of these dictators are by some not considered dictators therefor it’s also more interesting to discuss it with friends and foes.

Also information about every one of them on a seperate piece of paper