The autonomous Rooster – Grafitti at Matverkstaden Malmö

Grafitti artwork created for Matverkstaden Malmö. It so happen to be that the owner of Matverkstaden also has a logo with a carrot, I mean what´s the chance for that?

He asked me if I wanted to make my psychedelic “The autonomous Rooster” which I created with the basic Idea that a rooster should not need to have a hen at his side and should be able to lay his own eggs. I said yes to the project and my good friend Kornelia Nagy and I started to work on it together.

It was kind of a pain in the ass to learn and understand the basis of grafitti the first time I hold a spraycan but my good bro Kornelia was boosting me mentally and also was supreme with teaching me to be patient when I feelt all failed 🙂

Of course my idea was to make a perfect version of the rooster but since I never created anything in this size it all become messy quite quickly since I didnt see what I was drawing. so the big proud rooster turned out to look more like a chicken that got a hammer in its head, I mean perhaps not really but its just that it misses half of its awesome neck due to that the bus is not one of those British doubledeckers 😀

My friend Kornelia making an epic posé