“People need colors”

Exhibition / Malmö

The new exhibition at the CARROTTRiBE Gallery is all about abstract and expressive colors. The two exhibiting artists, Linus Strömdahl and Julie Blumenberg, tell us a little about their work.

Art by Julie Blumenberg and Linus Strömdahl. Photo: Anna Karlsson

Text & photo: Anna Karlsson Photo: Clayton Monty


“The visitors can expect amoroso and joyous paintings. If the paintings reflect my inner carrot I guess I have a very varicolored carrot; none with just plain orange, but all of the colors. I have worked very spontaneously, not very thought-through, just gone by feeling. Most of the paintings are made in 2012, 2015 and 2020, some in art classes I attended and some at home. For me painting is a way of expressing myself and canalize energy. It’s very therapeutic; when I paint I see patterns and the contexture of everything.”


“I love to exhibit my art and meet people. I’ve had lots of exhibitions planned the last year that have been cancelled due to Covid-19, but here we go, finally! Some four years ago I started painting more abstract instead of doing portraits, which I’d done a lot before. This way I feel I’ve had it easier to find my own style and rhythm. Now I use a lot of colors, including gold, silver and coppar – that unfortunately don’t come out that good here as in the original paintings – , but anyhow… My paintings reflect my inner world, they are really an expression of that. I think we all need to put our conscious thoughts aside sometimes, at least that is something that makes me feel good. And people need colors too, especially in these times. I’ve put titles on my paintings, in Spanish, like “Otoño en fuego”, and some in English too, but I would also like the beholder to come up with their own interpretations.”

The exhibition lasts from July 15th up until August 15th. Opening hours are the same as those of The Vegan Bar.

Follow Linus and Julie on Instagram: @linusstromdahl @julyguli

Art by Julie Blumenberg. Photo: Clayton Monty
Art by Julie Blumenberg. Photo: Anna Karlsson